Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Well, I Guess It Ain't Hawaii, After All...

The balmy weather turned out to be short-lived. The temperature dropped sharply overnight, and everything froze. To make it more fun, the wind has been blowing hard all day, with gusts of over 40 mph. I hear that it's even worse down closer to the Bering Sea coast, which is not actually all that far away. Of course, this should freeze the river up nicely, which means that soon, it will be time to get the snowmachine out and go up the river to Bethel, for something like civilization. There is supposed to be an excellent Saturday market there on Thanksgiving weekend, which is approaching quickly. Probably time to do some xmas shopping. I would like some nice fur mittens myself. Because it gets FUCKING COLD up here-that's why. Enough of that.

I got my review today. It is the first formal one required by the district. I'm off the hook for a while now, although my SA is pretty much a stickler and wants things done a certain way. I guess it's up to him, at least to some extent. He feels that I have made a good deal of progress since the beginning of the year. Some areas still need improvement, but overall, it went well.

Tonight, I relax. Tomorrow, I go back to trying to get better at this stuff. We'll see how it goes.

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