Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Well, The Heat Wave Ended...

It's -5 as of the last time that I looked, and the skies are clear. The girls had a pie making shindig, and I hung around for a little while, fetching eggs and such until it struck me that I was sort of a fifth wheel and decided to come back over here. I am having a nice quiet night.

We had our thanksgiving meal at school today. The turnout was either better than or worse than last year's, depending upon the person doing the estimating. Things got cleaned up in reasonably short order, and we got pressed into duty by a couple of graduates who returned for help with a paper and a resume, respectively. It was kind of fun, in a gee-think-I'll-bitch about-it kind of way. Then we made a home visit, and I got back in time for a phone conference about our extremely simple, user-friendly, intuitive software that we are supposed to be using to submit all of our evidence to AKT2. My personal take is that the unhappiness and stress level among this group will increase exponentially when they start using that stuff. It sucks. Hope that this entry gets read. I have threatened to just upload all my lesson plans and this whole blog and crash the server in Juneau. It would serve 'em right.

So tomorrow is the big day. It seems as if a bunch of people are invited, and some of them will show up. It will be held at the small house with all the dogs instead of the larger house with two loveseats and space. This is because some people are crazy and sentimentalize this holiday which is miserable for so many other people and reminds even others how they have been occupied and invaded. Yippie shits. I actually began to enjoy thanksgiving most when I began to spend it by myself with a shitty football game and pizza from G&D in Cadillac.

I suppose that it will all be fine, as long as the General Patton of the kitchen does not rear her ugly head. As is true in so many situations, I suppose that only time will tell the answer to that question. Who knows, amybe it will all turn out to be a blast, and I will turn out to be nothing more than an old grouch. Naaah, that couldn't happen!

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