Monday, November 16, 2009

Because We're Professionals, Dammit...

I'm not sure what was really going on entirely, but we slogged through somehow. I thought that it actually went rather well under the circumstances. What it looks like in the long run, I cannot say, but we all survived. Of course, there was an annoying e-mail with a list of criticisms out in the afternoon, and I decided to respond directly and in person to them. Enough of this nonsense already.

The rest of the day was good, if spotty at time, and Woody and I got to have a nice visit. He had some helpful suggestions, and I was actually ready to listen. I wish we had this kind of chance more often. He demonstrates the essence of constructive criticism. He is positive, and communicates enthusiasm along with suggestions to make my teaching better. I genuinely like him, and realized how much I missed seeing him since back in Anchorage. I am glad that he will be here tomorrow.

It appears that my 3d and 4th hour classes will be pretty much washed out tomorrow because of the diabetes ladies and a chat about drugs and alchohol with the junior and senior high kids. Something different for a different day...

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